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Foundation Receives $7,000 Donation from Tyndall Federal Credit Union

Published on February 7, 2025

The Gulf Coast State College Foundation is excited to announce that it has been awarded a Tyndall Cares Community Grant in the amount of $7,000 from Tyndall Federal Credit Union.  The donation will be used to support low income TRiO students attending Gulf Coast State College.

GCSC’s TRiO Program a federally-funded program which supports outreach grants designed to identify and provide academic services for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds.

The mission of the TRIO Programs is to provide participants with academic and personal development services designed to motivate them toward the successful completion of their post-secondary education. They are committed to increasing the college retention and graduate rates of its participants. They strive to help low-income and first-generation students receive higher education through these specially designed programs. Any and all funding dedicated to TRIO helps the program provide opportunities and experiences otherwise not attainable for its qualified students. Funds are strategically spent to ensure that there is balance in spending but that they are maximized to their greatest potential to benefit our students.