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Financial Outlook

The Gulf Coast State College Foundation acts as stewards to individuals and businesses who have contributed to the various causes helping the students attending Gulf Coast State College. To oversee and maintain the integrity of this stewardship, the Foundation relies on a Finance Committee comprised of businessmen and women who have expertise in public accounting, insurance, financial investing, banking, and management. Each year, the Foundation is audited by a certified public accounting firm whose job is to issue an audited financial report to the members, donors, and the public. Please feel free to review our most recent audited financial statements.

For the year ending June 30, 2023, the Foundation posted revenues of $3.8 million from contributions and investments. During this time, the Foundation provided $2.4 million in scholarship and program support to Gulf Coast State College. The Foundation ended its fiscal year with an asset balance of $35.6 million with net assets of $35.4 million. All of this could not be possible without the support of individuals and businesses in our community.